Wow! Please! Do it again!: September 2012

Sunday, September 30, 2012

SGS2 + CM9: Flash 20120930 Build

This latest nightly fixes the USSD bug that is cause for concern. Read more about it here (or just google for "android ussd bug").

1. Downloaded (verified MD5 checksum d18a11a59e35ac7211fb3418e8cb3c4a)
2. Reboot into Recovery and created backup.
3. Flashed

4. wipe cache partition.
5. advanced > Wipe Dalvik Cache.
6. Reboot.

Verified MD5 checksum

What about it?

After flashing CM9 20120930 build, dialer no longer automatically runs the USSD code.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

SGS2 + CM9: Flash LPS Modem

The LPS Modem has the most downloads from this site. Trying is believing...

1. Download and copy to internal sdcard.
2. Reboot to CWM Recovery (v6.0.1.2).
3. Choose "backup and restore".
4. Choose "backup to internal sdcard".
5. Go back to the main menu.
6. Choose "install zip from sdcard".
7. Choose "choose zip from internal sdcard".
8. Choose "" and confirm.
9. Reboot.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

SGS2 + CM9: 9.1.0 Release Stability

Been running 9.1.0 since the 29th last month, and never required any reboot whatsoever until today. This morning I was trying to get online, but was unable to. Rebooting solved the issue. Perhaps I should have tried turning airplane mode on and off first...

473 hours uptime (that's almost 20 days!)

Seems like no issue connecting to mobile data

All seems good, but unable to browse/whatsapp. Note that the signal icon did not turn to cyan colour.

Restarted; connectivity back to normal, but where the heck is my Data Usage icon?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dev: SLF4J 1.7.0 (Logger) now supports varargs

Prior to SLF4J 1.7.0 (1.6.6 and below)

    String name = "1";
    Long id = 1L;
    int age = 99;

    // one or more variables"[doSomething: id]={}", id);"[doSomething: id, name]={},{}", id, name);

    // 3 or more variables"[doSomething: id, name, age]={},{},{}", new Object[] {id, name, age});

In SLF4J 1.7.0, we need not declare an Object array for >= 3 variables.

    String name = "1";
    Long id = 1L;
    int age = 99;
    String status = "A";

    // one or more variables"[doSomething: id]={}", id);"[doSomething: id, name]={},{}", id, name);

    // 3 or more variables"[doSomething: id, name, age]={},{},{}", id, name, age);"[doSomething: id, name, age, status]={},{},{},{}", id, name, age, status);

Read more here (6th of September, 2012).