Wow! Please! Do it again!: SGS2 + CM9: Flash 20120930 Build

Sunday, September 30, 2012

SGS2 + CM9: Flash 20120930 Build

This latest nightly fixes the USSD bug that is cause for concern. Read more about it here (or just google for "android ussd bug").

1. Downloaded (verified MD5 checksum d18a11a59e35ac7211fb3418e8cb3c4a)
2. Reboot into Recovery and created backup.
3. Flashed

4. wipe cache partition.
5. advanced > Wipe Dalvik Cache.
6. Reboot.

Verified MD5 checksum

What about it?

After flashing CM9 20120930 build, dialer no longer automatically runs the USSD code.