Wow! Please! Do it again!: SGS2: Flash CM10.1 20130715 Nightly Build

Monday, July 15, 2013

SGS2: Flash CM10.1 20130715 Nightly Build

There was an issue with GPS (not being able to fix on location) in the previous builds. Fixed in this build

galaxys2: gps: add magic field to AGpsRefLocationCellID struct (android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common)

1. Downloaded and copied to internal SD. Verified MD5 checksum (3962f7ae61eee11954dc39016f68fa71).
2. Reboot into CWM Recovery.
3. Created backup.
4. Flashed
5. wipe cache partition.
6. advanced > Wipe Dalvik Cache.
7. Reboot.