Wow! Please! Do it again!: SGS2 + CM9: Flash RC1 (20120626) Build

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

SGS2 + CM9: Flash RC1 (20120626) Build

CM9 RC1 is out (it should be the same as the 20120626 nightly, Note: There are 2 RC1 downloads ( on the same date but with different timestamp, checksum, and file size).

1. Create backup using ROM Manager.
2. Copied to internal SD.
3. Verified MD5 checksum in ES File Explorer. (Checksum 7c91c25e2430f4432e63ac85c29d5a26)
4. Reboot into CWM Recovery.
5. Flash
6. Wipe cache partition.
7. Advanced > Wipe Dalvik Cache
8. Reboot

MD5 checksum verified!


New CM Wallpaper!

Run #1

Run #2

Run #3