Wow! Please! Do it again!: SGS2 + CM9: Flash 20120712 Build

Thursday, July 12, 2012

SGS2 + CM9: Flash 20120712 Build

Almost flashed 20120711, when I checked the downloads page and found that 20120712 was out!

20120709 was running fine, but i wanted a feature that was introduced in In fact, this feature was available since the Gingerbread days of the Galaxy S2 (stock ROM).

1. Create backup using ROM Manager.
2. Download via browser.
3. Verify MD5 checksum 945d28a85ed02f0ecdccdaf57cd97db4.
4. Reboot into CWM Recovery.
5. Flash
6. Wipe cache partition.
7. Advanced > Wipe Dalvik Cache.
8. Reboot.


 About Phone #1

 About Phone #2

Settings > Advanced > Sensors

IIRC, Stock Samsung ROM has default of 1.5s