Wow! Please! Do it again!: SGS2 + CM9: How to export/backup an app/apk from phone

Sunday, July 29, 2012

SGS2 + CM9: How to export/backup an app/apk from phone

The last Google Play Store installed manually was v3.7.13. Today, noticed that it has already been updated automatically to v3.7.15. It can also be downloaded from here.

Now to create a backup, in case I need to perform a full clean/wipe,
1. Launch ES File Explorer.
2. Press Menu button. Select Manager.
3. Select App Manager.
4. Long-press on Google Play Store. Select Backup.
5. Popup will appear stating Google Play Store_3.7.15.apk was backed up successfully (/sdcard/backups/apps/). Couldn't remember whether I'd set the path previously or not :P

Backed up apps will be highlighted in green?

It's really there!